
Hello, you are looking at documentation for Mail Dingo – HTML Bootstrap 5 Mail App Template. You will learn how to setup workspace, build and customize theme.

Since this theme is based on Bootstrap, you should check the official framework documentation before continuing.

To start using this template, follow the instructions below, completing the three steps in sequence.

Step 1. Node.js

To be able to use the Gulp you need to download and install Node.js from the official site., install the specified version, which must exactly match 20.11.1 LTS, to avoid compatibility issues.

You can check the current installed version of Node.js on your computer by running the following console command in the console or terminal:

node -v

Step 2. Gulpfile.js

Install Gulp Command Line Interface globally to use Gulp in your terminal.

npm install gulp-cli -g

Step 3. NPM modules

When you are done, make sure you have installed the rest of the themes dependencies, from the console or terminal, navigate to the template directory and execute the following command:

npm install

How to use Gulp toolkit?

Now, modify your SCSS and HTML source files in src folder and run npm run start command in terminal for development or npm run build to build final production version of template. Use npm run start command for quick start development. The BrowserSync plugin will open default web browser and show result of editing. When you are done just hit Ctrl + C in terminal or just close terminal window to stop BrowserSync server.

Development mode:
npm run start
Production mode:
npm run build

How to customize SCSS?

To ensure correct future updates you can edit three files:

  • custom-variables.scss and custom-variables-dark.scss: these files can be used to override Bootstrap and the template variables.
  • custom-code.scss: this file can be used for writing custom SCSS.

To learn more about color modes, please refer to the official Bootstrap documentation.


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